5 Simple Steps To Learn Arabic Vocabulary Fast

Discover the best way to learn Spoken Arabic Vocabulary Fast

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Have you been finding it challenging to keep up with your coursework when studying Arabic? When learning a new language, it’s not uncommon for students to find that they reach a point where they start to feel overwhelmed with what they are trying to learn. If you find yourself becoming frustrated and tempted to give up on your studies, here are some suggestions to help you get back on track.

Here are the 11 Ways to Simplify the Way you Learn Arabic

1. Write Down New Words and Say Them Aloud

In order to practice new words, write each one down five times. Say the word out loud each time you transcribe it. This step will help you become familiar with new vocabulary quickly.

2. Associate the New Word with a Picture or a Sound

To remember the new word and its pronunciation, try to associate it with a specific picture or a sound. If you aren’t able to come up with a picture or a sound for the word relatively quickly (within less than a minute), then move on to one of the other strategies for simplifying the way you learn Arabic.

3. Record Yourself Speaking the New Words

Use your smart phone to record your voice as you say the vocabulary you are learning. This step will help you to feel comfortable with hearing your own voice as you learn to speak a second language. Most people have at least some difficulty feeling comfortable hearing the way their voice sounds.

Start recording yourself regularly so that you can get comfortable hearing yourself speak. This will help you become more confident learning to speak Arabic.

4. Use Scanning to Practice your Vocabulary

Scanning is a method of practicing your vocabulary that can be described as “two steps back, and one step forward.” The first day you study five vocabulary words The second day, study your daily five words, plus the previous day’s words as well. On the third day, you study the current day’s words, plus the previous two day’s words, for a total of 15. That makes up your two steps back and one step forward. The more review you do of the previous days’ vocabulary, the better you will be able to learn it.

5. Intentionally Use the Vocabulary you are Learning

Every time you have the opportunity to interact with a native Arabic speaker, make a point of using 5-10 words you have been studying in conversation. It’s important to incorporate new words into your conversations, and not to continually play it safe by sticking to words you are already familiar with.

6. Set up a Routine

Make practicing Arabic a regular part of your day. This should be non-negotiable with yourself, just like eating meals and brushing your teeth. Whatever time you set in your schedule, make sure you keep this appointment with yourself for studying and practicing the language.



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7. Learn in Short Bursts of Time

If sitting down to study in large chunks of time doesn’t work with your schedule, try working on your language study in 5-10 minute increments, several times each day –  this can be a smart practice. This can be more effective than trying to study for a longer amount of time at once.

7. Keep Track of your Progress

When you become frustrated, it can be easy to think that you haven’t made any progress toward your goal of learning to speak Arabic. That is not the case. Learn to celebrate your victories, so that you can look back to see how much you have learned to date.

8. Listen to Arabic Language Radio

To learn the rhythm of the words and how they are spoken, you need to listen to the language often. Go online and find an Arabic language radio station and listen to it as background noise. You’ll find out how language varies, depending on the speaker’s mood.

9. Practice Speaking to Native Speakers Often

Any time you have the chance to speak to a native Arabic speaker, take it. Practice your Arabic, even if you don’t feel fully confident about your pronunciation and your vocabulary.

10. Approach Language Learning Like a Child

Children don’t worry about making mistakes when they learn to speak. They just talk, and if someone corrects their language, they learn and move on. If you never try to say anything, you won’t have the opportunity to learn.

11. Try to Correct Yourself if you Make a Mistake

If you do catch yourself making a mistake, correct yourself by repeating the sentence properly. This will give you the chance to learn and increase your confidence in your own abilities.

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About Author

Omar Nassra

I am the owner of this school with over 20 years experience teaching Spoken Arabic. I have developed a system for teaching Arabic with some students becoming fluent within 6 months.

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