Discover The Best Way To Master Learning Spoken Arabic Online

Are you a student frustrated over trying to find the best way to learn spoken Arabic? If so, you are not alone. Many students find learning spoken Arabic challenging due to the lack of books, tutorials, and resources available. Do not despair, however, as the solution to mastering spoken Arabic is here at last. Khaled and I have developed a breakthrough system to learn Arabic dialects online, which we call Fluent in 6 months. With this online system, you can master spoken Arabic in a fraction of the time it typically takes. This revolutionary system is designed to help students quickly and easily learn the spoken dialect of Arabic. The system is based on six stages of learning, each designed to lay the groundwork for the next.


Through these stages, you will learn the alphabet, conjugations, pronunciation, and the basics of grammar. This base knowledge then provides the opportunity for you to dive into and begin to truly understand specific Arabic dialects. The stages of learning are broken down into several different categories.


You will learn phonetics to understand how sounds are created and used when speaking Arabic. You will also learn phonology to acquire the ability to recognize and understand natural speech and dialects unique to different regions. Finally, you will learn meaningful analysis, which includes the ability to understand and comprehend the meaning of words, phrases, and dialects. Additional tools help you practice and hone the language you are learning.



This includes verb drills, dialogues, audio and visual tools, and more. Fluent in 6 months’ emphasis on vocabulary and whole phrases rather than individual words will allow you to quickly gain an understanding of how to speak and be understood in a spoken dialect of Arabic. No longer will you feel like a fish out of water when you try to learn spoken Arabic.


Learn from the veterans in the field and take advantage of the Fluent in 6 Months system to master spoken Arabic for good. With its comprehensive approach, no matter your background or experience, you will be speaking with confidence in no time


Here is the link for more information about our online course

About Author

Omar Nassra

I am the owner of this school with over 20 years experience teaching Spoken Arabic. I have developed a system for teaching Arabic with some students becoming fluent within 6 months.

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